

Hello folks, I know its been a while since I blogged. I’ve been quite busy with work and side-projects. To be honest it’s been difficult manging this blog while juggling everything else. So in this post I just wanted to let you know that I have a few blog posts that will be coming to a viewport near you.

Throughout the past few weeks, I’ve been taking down notes as to what I would like to discuss; written notes while also saving bits and piece of some code on my GitHub for the posts that I will be creating…Here are some things that are coming your way:

  1. Network Automation ( automating network devices, etc )
    • More Python Network Automation examples.
    • Ansible Playbook configuration
    • Encryption ( safe guarding passwords using environment variables ).
    • I will do another example of multi-threading python.
  2. The MERN Stack ( Mongoose, Express, React, Nodejs ).
    • How to build an api.
      • Building routes.
      • Connecting api ( BackEnd ) to databases ( MongoDB ).
      • Pulling resources from another api ( using Request )
      • Proper api Authentication setup; ( JsonWebTokens )
  3. Redux
    • Setting up a Redux store for your React application

That’ll be all for now folks. stay tuned.