Spur Of The Moment

Memorizing Syntax?

The other day I received an email from someone who viewed my blog and my gitHub and was surprised that I know an understand both networking and programming; they were particularly impressed with the fact I know multiple programming languages like Vanilla JS, python, just to name a few. They stated that I learned said languages a “short” period of time.

This person felt that such a thing was impossible and thought of me as a “God”. I responded to this person letting them know that I was far from being a “God” and replied to them pretty much the same way that I will reply to you.

Folks, I am far from being a “God”. In fact, I would say that 95% of the veteran Web Developers, Network Engineers, DevOps ‘folkery‘ are not “Gods”. They are individuals who struggle to learn and complete a task the very same way that you do.

The best thing to do is to memorize concepts, NOT syntax. When I first started learning Networking, I spent months trying to remember the syntax for configuring BGP and like-routing protocols.

When I first starting learning how to program, I essentially did the samething.


What I should have done right from the get-go is remember concepts. Why?? Because once you understand concepts, you can take those concepts and apply them to ANY vendor that utilizes those concepts.

For instance, If you understand routing and or Voice Over IP Concepts (ie. SIP, RTP etc.), then you can take that knowledge and apply it to anything related to those areas. You can configure and manage a PBX, HOSTED-PBX and or Cloud-Based platforms, you can configure and manage Cisco, Juniper, Fortinet, Palo Alto , the list goes on; why ? because you understand the fundamentals; which will carry you throughout your carrer.

Lets look at programming

When you’re learning how to program, focus strickly on understanding concepts, not syntax.

If you understand the concept behind conditionals and for-loops, then guess what? You can pretty much configure a said concepts in almost any language; all you need to do is look up the syntax for whatever language you’re using. THIS is how developers can easily learn a new programming language within a day or a week.— they’re not remembering syntax.

There is nothing wrong with looking up syntax. Everyone does it from time to time. Now, as you get better at whatever you’re doing, naturally you will start to remember syntax for some code, so don’t stress forgetting syntax.

Learning how to do research is KEY!

As techs, the number one skill, in my humble opinion, to have in any field, is knowing how to do research.

If you’re in the middle of a project that uses javascript and ran into a bug that you’re having trouble with, knowing what terms to search for in google is important. Why? because it will help you quickly solve whatever problem you have within your code.

Here’s the cool thing about searching for the wrong terms in google….the more incorrect terms you search for, the closer you get to the actual terms you’re supposed to be hitting….you’re essentially leveling up your searching skills.; its a win-win…..a frustrating win-win, but nevertheless a win-win.

What you don’t want

What you don’t want is to know the syntax for something, and not have a clue what it does….very dangerous depending on what you’re doing.

For instance :

sudo rm -R *

Sh*t…..I just got chills from typing that in this post.

If you for some reason remembered the above syntax and not understand what it does…this command can have the following affects if you don’t use it properly:

  1. It can introduce you to the unemployment line.
  2. It will make you wanna run and isolate yourself from the public due to the level of embarrassment you will feel.
  3. It can cause depression; due to the loss of vital data.

….the list goes on.

See where I’m going with this?

So take time to understand concepts, work with those concepts on your own time and you will have no problem learning other tools, programming languages, etc, without an issue.

Hope this helps.

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