Network Automation

Ansible, Automation’s Best Friend.

This is the beginning of a short Ansible tutorial. Each post will be short and to the point. No long and drawn out posts I did in the past. Enjoy.

What the heck is Ansible?

Its an open source automation tool for software provisioning, configuration management, and software deployment, and my personal favorite, network automation. It’s quite awesome, actually.

Ansible can easily run and configure both Unix-based & Windows-based systems to provide infrastructure as code….It also contains its very own declarative programming language for system configuration and management.

You don’t have to be a programming genius to use ansible. I know plenty of network engineers and voIP engineers who actually hate programming, yet they use ansible to automate their tasks with ease…that should tell yah something…

Why should you care? Well, if you’re in tech, then you’re well aware that automation is not the future, its the NOW, so you need a tool that will assist you in achieving your automation goals— ansible.

Automation via ansible simplifies complex tasks, it can make your tasks more manageable, giving you the ability to focus your attention on other things; period.

Here is a small list of PROS to using ansible:

  • It is Very simple to set up and use
  • Dynamic
  • Extendable
  • Scalable – ( as long as you build your playbooks correctly )
  • It will cost you Zero dollars and zero cents —FREE!

Here is a small list of CONS to using ansible:

  • I can’t think of any.. when i do i’ll update this post.