

Hello folks, I know its been a while since I blogged. I’ve been quite busy with work and side-projects. To be honest it’s been difficult manging this blog while juggling everything else. So in this post I just wanted to let you know that I have a few blog posts that will be coming to […]

Network Automation

Python: Using Netmiko & Multithreading to configure multiple devices.

I’m Calling an audible! In my last post, I use Paramiko to connect to networking devices. This time, I will use Netmiko. The scripts used with Netmiko are a lot shorter than with Paramiko; as it comes with a tone of helpful functions to make your coding easier. Moving along… In my last post, configuring, […]


JavaScript: Object Constructors. How do they work?

It took a little while for me to understand how object constructors worked. You throw the ‘this’ keyword in there and I was completely lost. As weird as it may sound, I understood the ‘this’ keyword…but for some reason, I was not able to put two and two together to understand object constructors, until now; […]

Network Automation

Python: Paramiko (Configuring Multiple devices)

In the previous post, you learned how to use python’s paramiko to access a network device, send commands to it only to retrieve output. The topology had two devices, however only one was accessed using paramiko. In this post we will utilize the same topology and configure both devices at the same time; killing two […]

Network Automation

Python: Paramiko

Networking automation is a god-send. I think that every Network Engineer, Voice too! Should learn it. It will make life as said roles much easier. Today we’ll run through a basic script using Paramiko, which is a ” Python implementation of the SSHv2 protocol”, it provides both client and server functionality. Today we will focus […]

React What I Learned Today

React: Dynamic Form Building…Cool Stuff

I’ve built a few small projects. A lot of them were built so I make sure I actually understood what I was learning; taking what I learned and creating something unique. Most of the project I’ve built had some a text-box or a form. Obviously, I would do this manually; as many do. However I […]

React What I Learned Today

React: “Context API” – Great Stuff!

I’ve been playing around ( and having fun ) with react for a few weeks now. Building small projects here and there; including some mid-size ( whatever that means ) projects. The waterfall-flow of passing data ( props ) down to children-comments is awesome; a fairly easy concept to grasp. I never thought that passing […]


Installing React in a Webpack Environment, the Short way, and the Long way.

React is quite simple install, using both the long way and the short way. Nowadayz, people, understandably, opt for the latter. However, I think it is beneficial to know how to set it up using both methods. In this article I’ll teach you how to setup React using both methods. Let us start off with […]

JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript: Check ‘ this ‘ Out – Part II

Welcome to part II of the this keyword discussion. Last time we talked about explicit and implicit bindings. In this post we will discuss lexical and the new keyword. The new keyword JavaScript has another pretty cool way to bind the this keyword; using the ‘new’ keyword. I’m sure you’re familiar with seeing something along […]


JavaScript: Check ‘ this ‘ Out – Part I

I’ve struggled to understand the ‘this’ keyword for so long and have put off spending time to really understand it’s purpose. Whenever I tried to look into this, I would somewhat understand it, then somewhere along the way, I would become confused, which would lead to me taking a break…a really long break, and then eventually never getting back […]