React What I Learned Today

React: Dynamic Form Building…Cool Stuff

I’ve built a few small projects. A lot of them were built so I make sure I actually understood what I was learning; taking what I learned and creating something unique. Most of the project I’ve built had some a text-box or a form. Obviously, I would do this manually; as many do. However I […]

React What I Learned Today

React: “Context API” – Great Stuff!

I’ve been playing around ( and having fun ) with react for a few weeks now. Building small projects here and there; including some mid-size ( whatever that means ) projects. The waterfall-flow of passing data ( props ) down to children-comments is awesome; a fairly easy concept to grasp. I never thought that passing […]


Installing React in a Webpack Environment, the Short way, and the Long way.

React is quite simple install, using both the long way and the short way. Nowadayz, people, understandably, opt for the latter. However, I think it is beneficial to know how to set it up using both methods. In this article I’ll teach you how to setup React using both methods. Let us start off with […]