Spur Of The Moment


Today I want to write a short post about something that I realized I still do from time-to-time…something that I believe most folks out there do as well. It’s something that sneaks up on you when you’re in the middle of solving a coding problem; something that I call, freeStyleCoding. Now, I’ve never looked up […]

Spur Of The Moment

Memorizing Syntax?

The other day I received an email from someone who viewed my blog and my gitHub and was surprised that I know an understand both networking and programming; they were particularly impressed with the fact I know multiple programming languages like Vanilla JS, python, just to name a few. They stated that I learned said […]

Spur Of The Moment

The Comparison-Flu

It’s 3:45 am, I just finished my breakfast ( some oatmeal with blue and blackberries ) and now I’m sipping away on some fresh ground coffee, ready to finish my data visualization project from FCC ( ). However, I wanted to write a blog post about something that many, if not all ( myself […]

Spur Of The Moment What I Learned Today

Gotta Take A Break

First and foremost, I love React. The ‘water-fall’ flow of things is just straight-up lovely. It makes understanding code so much easier. Props flow in one direction and one directly-only. I’m currently in the middle of building my first blog site following the project guide from the following book: “React Explained” by Zac Gordon ( […]

Spur Of The Moment


It’s 3:46 am on a Friday. I was jotting down some pseudocode on a piece of paper for this coding challenge on Then it came to me; I should probably type up a quick disclaimer page for people to read. Why? Well because I’m not actually a software developer, I’m a Network / VoIP […]