JavaScript webpack

Installing Babel

In this blog post, you will learn how to install babel. So what is Babel? I like to think of babel as a translator. A translator of what? Of programming languages. For instance, newer browser are running on ES6 and above, however older browsers don’t support ES6, they support ECMAScript 2015 (ES5). So if you […]

JavaScript webpack

Installing Webpack on Ubuntu 18.04 ( Part III )

Read responsibly, check out my disclaimer page. If you’ve followed the instructions in the last post, part II, you should have npm and webpack installed. We verified the installation by bundling the files in our src directory. We found that the index.html would not bundle unless we installed the HtmlWebpackPlugin, which we installed and verified […]

JavaScript webpack

Installing Webpack on Ubuntu 18.04 ( Part II ).

Read responsibly, check out my disclaimer page. In the last tutorial, Part I, you learned how to install node.js and npm on your Ubuntu system. In this tutorial, we will move forward and install Webpack. This tutorial will only focus on the basic needs to get your project up and running. If you need any […]

JavaScript webpack

Installing Webpack on Ubuntu 18.04

Read responsibly, check out my disclaimer page. This week I will be explaining how to install webpack. I will split this up into 2 parts. I took a JavaScript course on udemy and within that course, there were two projects. One of the projects required me to install and configure webpack and babel. I still […]