React What I Learned Today

React: Dynamic Form Building…Cool Stuff

I’ve built a few small projects. A lot of them were built so I make sure I actually understood what I was learning; taking what I learned and creating something unique. Most of the project I’ve built had some a text-box or a form. Obviously, I would do this manually; as many do. However I […]

React What I Learned Today

React: “Context API” – Great Stuff!

I’ve been playing around ( and having fun ) with react for a few weeks now. Building small projects here and there; including some mid-size ( whatever that means ) projects. The waterfall-flow of passing data ( props ) down to children-comments is awesome; a fairly easy concept to grasp. I never thought that passing […]

Spur Of The Moment What I Learned Today

Gotta Take A Break

First and foremost, I love React. The ‘water-fall’ flow of things is just straight-up lovely. It makes understanding code so much easier. Props flow in one direction and one directly-only. I’m currently in the middle of building my first blog site following the project guide from the following book: “React Explained” by Zac Gordon ( […]

What I Learned Today

No Transpiler? No Website.

In this really short article I would like to discuss a problem I came across during one of my react projects. I was working on building a simple chart using D3. I fired it up my project and ran npm build ( just in case I forgot to do so the day prior). Then I […]

JavaScript What I Learned Today

JavaScript: lookaround assertions

Today I learned about javascript lookahead, lookbehind , and both negative lookahead and lookbehind assertions. The freecodecamp curriculum briefly touched on it but not enough for me to fully grasp the idea of it. It took me about 8 hours ( split between two days ) to understand how to use’em.  I’ll get to what […]