Spur Of The Moment


It’s 3:46 am on a Friday. I was jotting down some pseudocode on a piece of paper for this coding challenge on Then it came to me; I should probably type up a quick disclaimer page for people to read. Why? Well because I’m not actually a software developer, I’m a Network / VoIP Engineer. Didn’t get the memo? Here, check out my about page before or after you read this disclaimer……actually go read it now because, by the time you’re done reading disclaimer, you may decide, or forget to go back and read my about page.

Do you like how I placed two links for my about page ( <–that’s three)? Well, it’s because I’m trying to get you to click it before you continue reading, lol.

…..I assume you took 6 min to read my about page (that’s four), so I will now continue.

I’m also a self-training (keyword; training not trained ) programming enthusiast who spends a lot of time analyzing code, building small projects and just plain’ol having fun with programming.

I’m always reading and learning new things; you know, trying to level-up.

“What drove you to create this page?”

Great question! I read a lot of blogs and listen to a lot of podcasts; quick shout out to JavaScript Jabber ( one of my favorite podcast ), and I’ve noticed that the majority of them have content provided by individuals in the field of software development (yes, I know software development is a broad term, so those of you reading this, you know what I mean) with x-years of experience who can likely provide great information to the public.

I say this because base on my current level of experience, It’s possible for me to provide misleading or incorrect information. Should I do research and/or make an attempt to fully understand a given topic before I make a post? Absolutely, and I do, 100% of the time. However, I’m not perfect and there is always information that I’m not aware of.

So the structure of my code may not look up to par with what you’re used to, I may have used reduce for a given task that you deem useless, I may have used recursion instead of using a for-loop. The list goes on…soo many possibilities.

My goal is to share my experience as I continue to level up. Should you have any issues with anything I said, did, or feel that I need to brush up on a particular skill set, please email or comment in one of my posts; I welcome constructive criticism with open arms.

With all that said, should you copy a snippet of code from my blog and place that code into production, I take no responsibility if your code breaks. However, I would like to help you troubleshoot the problem!

I think that’s all I have to say in this disclaimer, laters.