

In Python, errors and exceptions are a normal part of the program development process. These errors and exceptions can occur for a variety of reasons, such as invalid syntax, missing files, or invalid input. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how to handle errors and exceptions in Python and how it can […]



In Python, there are two types of loops that you can use to execute a block of code multiple times: for loops and while loops. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between these two loop types and how to use them to loop through a list of clothes and a […]



Python lists are a powerful data type that allows you to store and manipulate a collection of items. In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into how to use lists in Python, with a focus on making your content as visible as possible to search engines. First, let’s define what a Python list is. […]


Python Closures

Are you tired of boring old tutorials that just drone on and on about the technical details of closures in Python? Well, fear not my friend! In this post, we’ll take a light-hearted approach to learning about these powerful little functions. First, let’s define what a closure is. In simple terms, a closure is a […]


Node.js – The SubStack Pattern ( CommonJS )

Today I would like to have a short discussion about something that I learned about while working on a project; the SubStack Pattern. …What? The substack pattern is simply a way for you to export a specific functionality from a module, particularly a function. Exhibit A Why is this a good thing? Well, think about […]

Spur Of The Moment


Today I want to write a short post about something that I realized I still do from time-to-time…something that I believe most folks out there do as well. It’s something that sneaks up on you when you’re in the middle of solving a coding problem; something that I call, freeStyleCoding. Now, I’ve never looked up […]

Spur Of The Moment

Memorizing Syntax?

The other day I received an email from someone who viewed my blog and my gitHub and was surprised that I know an understand both networking and programming; they were particularly impressed with the fact I know multiple programming languages like Vanilla JS, python, just to name a few. They stated that I learned said […]

Network Automation

Ansible: The Inventory file

So whats this “Inventory file” anyway? The inventory file houses all the info about the hosts you will be managing with Ansible; impossible to do it without one. You can add a bunch of hosts to this thing and manage each of time simultaneously ( depending on how you group your hosts– more on that later). In […]

Network Automation

Installing Ansible ( Ubuntu )

Your time is valuable, so this post will be straight to the point so you can get started. From your control node: You will need to hit that enter button when prompted. Go ahead with the PPA addition. You’re all set. I told you it would be quite and to the point – :0) Now […]

Network Automation

Ansible, Automation’s Best Friend.

This is the beginning of a short Ansible tutorial. Each post will be short and to the point. No long and drawn out posts I did in the past. Enjoy. What the heck is Ansible? Its an open source automation tool for software provisioning, configuration management, and software deployment, and my personal favorite, network automation. […]