Network Automation

Ansible: The Inventory file

So whats this “Inventory file” anyway? The inventory file houses all the info about the hosts you will be managing with Ansible; impossible to do it without one. You can add a bunch of hosts to this thing and manage each of time simultaneously ( depending on how you group your hosts– more on that later). In […]

Network Automation

Installing Ansible ( Ubuntu )

Your time is valuable, so this post will be straight to the point so you can get started. From your control node: You will need to hit that enter button when prompted. Go ahead with the PPA addition. You’re all set. I told you it would be quite and to the point – :0) Now […]

Network Automation

Ansible, Automation’s Best Friend.

This is the beginning of a short Ansible tutorial. Each post will be short and to the point. No long and drawn out posts I did in the past. Enjoy. What the heck is Ansible? Its an open source automation tool for software provisioning, configuration management, and software deployment, and my personal favorite, network automation. […]