Network Automation

Ansible: The Inventory file

So whats this “Inventory file” anyway? The inventory file houses all the info about the hosts you will be managing with Ansible; impossible to do it without one. You can add a bunch of hosts to this thing and manage each of time simultaneously ( depending on how you group your hosts– more on that later). In […]

Network Automation

Installing Ansible ( Ubuntu )

Your time is valuable, so this post will be straight to the point so you can get started. From your control node: You will need to hit that enter button when prompted. Go ahead with the PPA addition. You’re all set. I told you it would be quite and to the point – :0) Now […]

Network Automation

Ansible, Automation’s Best Friend.

This is the beginning of a short Ansible tutorial. Each post will be short and to the point. No long and drawn out posts I did in the past. Enjoy. What the heck is Ansible? Its an open source automation tool for software provisioning, configuration management, and software deployment, and my personal favorite, network automation. […]

Network Automation

Python: Using Netmiko & Multithreading to configure multiple devices.

I’m Calling an audible! In my last post, I use Paramiko to connect to networking devices. This time, I will use Netmiko. The scripts used with Netmiko are a lot shorter than with Paramiko; as it comes with a tone of helpful functions to make your coding easier. Moving along… In my last post, configuring, […]

Network Automation

Python: Paramiko (Configuring Multiple devices)

In the previous post, you learned how to use python’s paramiko to access a network device, send commands to it only to retrieve output. The topology had two devices, however only one was accessed using paramiko. In this post we will utilize the same topology and configure both devices at the same time; killing two […]

Network Automation

Python: Paramiko

Networking automation is a god-send. I think that every Network Engineer, Voice too! Should learn it. It will make life as said roles much easier. Today we’ll run through a basic script using Paramiko, which is a ” Python implementation of the SSHv2 protocol”, it provides both client and server functionality. Today we will focus […]